Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Focus Group

Focus Group

I did a short focus group in which I asked 4 people to take part in.

-Steven Budd

-Beth Smith
-Amber Dale 
-Claire Younger

Topic 1: How old are you? What is Your ethnicity and occupation? 

SI'm 18, Caucasian and currently in education

BI'm 17, Caucasian and also in education. 

AI am 16, Caucasian and I'm at school. 

CI'm 17 too, Caucasian and in education.  

Topic 2: What are your likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests? 

SI like music, anime, watching youtube videos. I dislike chavs, chav programs like TOWIE. I don't really have any hobbies, I play games if that counts. My interests... erm I have no idea games again, TV programs and video game designs.  

BI like free wifi (laughs) and I dislike facebook, that's a bit contradictory I know. I literally don't have any hobbies, music interests me. I like youtube and dislike odd numbers. 

AI erm like listening and playing much and I really dislike being bored. Erm my hobbies and interests include writing music and drawing.

CI dislike negativity but my likes, hobbies and interest are things like photography, art, fashion and socialising.

Topic 3: What do you like about Typography 1 and what do you think I could improve on?

SI like the use of blood splatters I have an idea, keep the word outcast in the same style but cut it in half horizontally and have knife there? 

BI really like it erm I guess the background could be less plain. 

AIt's really effective how the 'outcast' is in red and looks like splattered blood, it gives it more of a creepy feel to it and to improve it um maybe try a different font. I don't think it needs improving really but that's just an idea. 

CI like the scratchings and markings behind the word 'Outcast'. Yeah, like Amber said you may be able to improve it by changing the font. 

Topic 4: What do you like about Typography 2 and what do you think I could improve on? 

SI like the colours as the stand out but it seems a bit basic, maybe have blood dripping down.

BI like the cracks you could always improve by putting blood like pouring down from a few of the letters, like what Steven said. 

AI like the red and black contrast it makes the title stand out more and to improve maybe make the black more faded or something?

CI like the use of a pattern inside the font it's cool. Maybe to improve change the colour? 

Topic 5: What is your favourite poster and why?

S'The Outcast' shows the person and the building rather then just the person taking up the whole space, give it a bit more of a creepy feel looking up at a build.

B- 'The Outcast' is more effective and mysterious, it looks more intriguing to. 

AI like 'Escape2 because it shows all the detail in the girl and it's like she is hiding which goes with the title and I really think it's awesome how the space
 in her arms shows the location. 

CI think 'The Outcast' is better as there is more emotion that you can kind of relate to it goes with the title more. 

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